True Confessions of a Superwoman Dropout:
Debunking the Myth of Having it All
Enough, already! It’s time to drop out! Most women would admit to feeling pressure to do everything and be all things to all people. From parenting and marriage to health, beauty, and career, the myth of the superwoman is so pervasive in today’s culture that many women feel like failures for not being able to maintain that standard. Sometimes we get so worn by the worries and stresses of our “superwoman” lives that we miss out on the joyful, abundant life that God wants for us. But take heart, because we don’t have to feel the pressure to be superwomen anymore! Come and learn about becoming a “Superwoman Dropout,” fulfilled and satisfied and secure, knowing that our work and play are ordained, validated, and approved by Him!
Join the Party!:
Discovering a Fuller, Richer Life Through Christ (for teen girls)
School. Friends. Homework. Family stuff. Hobbies. Tik-Tok. Clubs. Same old, same old, right? WRONG! You have been invited to the biggest party of all time, and it’s happening NOW! Come and hear about the best news ever, discover the story of Jesus in a whole new way, and find out how you can join the party. Your life will never be the same.
“I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of.” – John 10:10b (MSG)
Longing for His Courts:
Finding Intimacy and Joy with God (A Study of Psalm 84)
Have you ever felt like life is just too much? Have you been discouraged or lonely, or wearied by the everydayness of life? Come into His courts and be refreshed! Kristi brings this important passage down to earth and into our lives. God is just wild about you, and He can’t wait to spend some time with you. Let Him love on you and satisfy the longings of your heart.
Holy Chicks:
The Treasure and Trust of Godly Girlfriends
Come and celebrate God’s good gift of Godly Girlfriends! In this fun, humorous, and touching presentation, you’ll learn how to deepen your relationships with ladies that God has put in your life, navigate the waters of healthy friendships, and consider ways that you can be a Godly Girlfriend.
Forgetful Girl Meets Faithful God:
Why God Wants Us to Remember and How it Can Change Our Lives
Memory is a huge part of who we are. Sometimes memories are wonderful, sometimes nostalgic, sometimes bittersweet, and sometimes painful. One thing is for sure – memory is important to God. Throughout Scripture He exhorts us over and over to remember, and He cares about how our memories affect us. Come and walk with Kristi though Bible stories that help us to remember God’s faithfulness through good times and bad. Learn what God wants us to remember, why He wants us to remember, and how remembering can help bring us joy and deepen our relationship with God and others.
Loving God and Loving People:
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything (No pressure)
How’s your eschatology? How about your doctrinal stance on predestination versus free will? Do you have a 12-step prayer plan that you follow every day? Organized Christianity loves the details and routines, but what is the most important thing in God’s eyes? Jesus makes it pretty clear: Love God. Love people. It’s just that simple. Simple, but not easy. Come and discover why this exhortation goes deeper than just obeying a commandment, and how God intends this beautiful Great Commandment to enrich every moment of our lives, changing us at our core. For our joy. For our fulfillment. For His glory. Because He loves us so deeply.
Becoming More Than the Christian Culture To Reach a Seeking World
Studies show that our culture is becoming increasingly more “spiritual” and yet church attendance is steadily decreasing. In political arenas, the gap is widening with more friction and ill-will every year. While Christians consider love, charity and sacrifice to be core values, why do the unchurched characterize us as mean-spirited, intolerant, self-centered, and irrelevant? Somewhere there is a disconnect. As part of her work with By Design Ministries, Kristi has been interviewing Gen Z and millennial women who have left the church (including some who have returned) and will be sharing about factors that influence whether someone retains or jettisons their faith, as well as ways that we can effectively communicate the outrageously good news of the gospel.
A Woman’s Place:
God’s Design for Women
YOU ARE WOMAN! ROAR, BABY, ROAR! Whether you are a take-charge woman or a dainty flower, a tough cookie or a sweet sponge cake, a Martha or a Mary, YOU are called to be a powerful influence. When God declared Eve to be Adam’s “helper,” He was bestowing a precious gift and a responsibility to every woman alive. What does that word really mean? What is our calling as women? What does the Bible actually say about our “place?” How do we respond when some in the Christian culture try to put women in a box and define our roles in ways that were never intended by God?
God foresaw all of these things and He has a beautiful plan for you to fulfill your calling, no matter what your current life circumstances may be. It’s time to dig into Scripture and see what God has to say about our identity and the roles He calls us to! Come and discover the rich treasure hidden in the title of “helper” and how you can use this special calling to be a powerful blessing to those around you.
Healthy Hearts & Bodies:
Maintaining Your “Temple” to the Glory of God
What is health? Is it a number on a scale? A state of mind? A feeling? God created us to be physical, emotional, and spiritual women, and His intent for our health interweaves these three things. Come explore each of these facets of health in this practical, funny, and challenging presentation. We’ll laugh at ourselves and dig deep to find out what God has to say about real health and balance. His Word can teach us how to be healthy and whole physically, emotionally, and spiritually, maintaining our “temple” and fulfilling God’s calling for us.
Christmas Topics
Living Expectantly:
Experiencing Christmas Every Day
We live with so many expectations of life … expectations of ourselves, expectations of the people we love, expectations of our jobs and expectations of how our lives should be. Sometimes when those expectations are not fulfilled in the way that we want them to be, we become disappointed or bitter.
Based on the Jewish culture of the time, it’s likely that Mary had expectations of what her life would be like. Then an angel showed up with big news and all her expectations went out the window! But instead of being bitter, she welcomed God’s activity. She let go of her expectations in favor of living expectantly in joyful anticipation of what God would do!
Today, we have that same choice; situations arise in our lives that don’t fit with our expectations of life. Will we hold onto those expectations or will we start living expectantly? Let’s live our lives in such a way that we can say along with Mary, “I am the Lord’s servant. Let it be with me just as you have said!” (Luke 1:38)
Note: This topic includes a strong Christian message and ends with an (optional) invitation to receive Christ.
Simple. Christmas.
Simple Steps to Renounce the Craziness and Regain the Joy
When did Christmastime become so crazy? Every year it seems like the store decorations go up earlier, the Pinterest boards get longer, the expectations higher, the extended family needier, the January bills bigger, and before we know it we are right in the middle of the frenzy. Where is the peace? Where is the joy? This is not how Christmas is supposed to be.
Come and take a break from the frenzy. Get some practical tools to help diffuse the hectic pace of the season, press the re-set button on our expectations, and regain the joy as we focus on the real meaning of Christmas.
Note: This topic includes practical ideas and Christian themes, and ends with an (optional) invitation to receive Christ.